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FEEDSTOCK, FEEDSTOCK, FEEDSTOCK ! What Word Don't You understand


It’s common knowledge that the current and proposed feedstocks for producing SAF and Renewable Diesel and Biogas aren’t viable commercially at scale, and never will be. The reasons are hiding in plain sight. The good news is that Summit has a Solution to this crippling situation – Its integrated Culvatron produced Splants and NuSFX Feedstock Preconditioning Solutions.

The Situation


Similar to the situation regarding CO2 associated with the current and proposed feedstocks the COST to plant, grow & harvest new organic matter (e.g., corn and or other such field crops), along with the land and water required, at scale, and/or to collect from hundreds of thousands of dispersed locations and consolidate the diverse types of waste organic matter employed as feedstocks for producing the Green Fuels & Energy (the “Collectible Feedstocks”), and then transport those Collectible Feedstocks to the facilities where they are “cleaned” and processed into the Green Fuels, and then to deliver the Green Fuels onward to the many dispersed end use destinations where they are needed – ensures that the Green Fuels & Energy produced from these feedstocks will never ever be commercially viable; that is, scalable or cost comparable with the fossil equivalents.

The data is publicly available and irrefutable.


What to do to

produce a clean, consistent high-quality feedstock at scale, any scale, at or in close proximity to your existing refinery or Biodigester?

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