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  • 1. What is a “SummitSplants”?
    It is a proprietary, non-GMO, Hybrid Dwarf of various plants that are thick with oily rich seeds. The “parent” plants (“PP”) from which the SummitSplant was created are already being used, as well as other such plants, by many others to produce SAF, Renewable & BioDiesels and other such products.
  • 2. How are SummitSplants grown?
    SummitSplants are incubated and grown in Summit’s NuOrganiX “Cultivatron” (Solution Module I) – a closed facility with a regulated custom, circular, pest & disease-free environmental ecosystem. The Cultivatron was crafted uniquely from existing technologies that have been, and currently are being, employed broadly in diverse commercial and industrial application at scales ranging from small to large, and then repurposed, design-reengineered and integrated/synchronized by Summit. After the initial 2 commercial SummitSplants crops in each facility, the seeds required for subsequent crops are in the range of only 0.002% of the seeds harvested from the prior crop
  • 3. What is the productivity of the Cultivatron?
    The SummitSplant is structured to grow at scale with comparably very low water consumption from incubation/ planting to harvesting currently within approximately 45 days (12 days for germination/nursing and 33 days for cultivation), in a custom reusable artificial soil media and at an optimized high plant concentration of 36 Splants/square meter (sqm) footprint of the Cultivatron. Accordingly, it is expected reasonably to be able to produce initially up to 8 SummitSplant crops/year/sqm, and perhaps eventually up to 10-12 crops/year/sqm by introducing various planned changes to the SummitSplants themselves and the Cultivation environment/process and facility. For each sqm footprint of the Cultivatron, there are 30 Cultivation Tiers vs. 1 “Tier” for field-crops and essentially also greenhouses and other such alternative cultivation methods, Comparatively, 1-2 high seed oil content plants (e.g., Sunflowers)/sqm typically can be grown in current large scale open-field farming (“OFF”) and alternative commercial farming (ACF) operations, such as the extensive greenhouse operations in China and the industrialized operations in the Netherlands that employ the latest technologies. Thus, for example, a 1 acre Cultivatron typically can produce the equivalent of approximately 5,600 acres of high seed oil content plants grown by OFF and on the order of 4,000 acres of such plants grown by ACF.
  • 4. What is the yield of a SummitSplant?
    A SummitSplant yields approximately 0.2 liters of processable oil or on the order of 7.2 liters/sqm of cultivation area footprint (0.2 liters/plant x 36 plants/sqm x 30 cultivation tiers/sqm/crop x 8 crops/year = 1,728 liters/sqm/ year of oil) as feedstock for NuFuelX (Solution Modules III & IV) to produce, respectively, Summit’s NuSAFuel and Renewable NuDiesel fuels vs. typically 0.5 liters/plant of processable oil for high seed oil content plants grown by OFF and ACF methods, or on the order of only 2 plants/sqm of cultivated land x 0.5 liters/plant = 1.0 liter/sqm/year/ crop x 2 crops per year = Total approximately only 2.0 liters/sqm/year of processable oil by the other methods. The remaining biomasses are the feedstocks for Summit’s NuGasX – a unique 4-stage/multi-phase biodigester that uniquely mimics Nature and rapidly produces high volumes of high commercial value NuGas. The processes/systems that employ the SummitSplants oil and biomasses as the feedstocks to produce Summit’s NuSAFuel and Renewable NuDiesel & NuGas, also sustainably produce commercial quantities of other commercially salable/useable products (e.g., fertilizers, glycerin, other). FOR EXAMPLE See the proforma “Annual Feedstocks & Derivative Products Flowchart” below for a representative Summit Solution to produce 300 Million liters/year of Summit’s NuSAFuel Comparatively, in current large scale OFF and ACF operations that employ the latest technologies, typically the crop density is low and the plants grow from germination to full-size in an average of 60/65 days and only 1 or 2 crops are possible per year, depending upon the type of plant and assuming favourable environmental (e.g., sunlight, temperature, humidity, wind), soil (e.g., nutrients, porosity) and other planting & cultivation conditions (e.g., planting readiness, water availability, irrigation effectiveness and land contour). In the OFF case, vast areas of land in prime food production locations would be required to grow sufficient seed feedstock to produce a meaningful quantity of the annual requirement for either SAF or Renewable or Biodiesel or any other fuel, let alone the requirement for concurrently producing 2 or more of these fuels – Not a viable solution. In the ACF cases, while crop densities of 2X to 3X OFF are possible with some crops and typically 4-6 crops per year also is possible, and while the amount of land required for these ACF methods is less than what is required for traditional OFF, the amount of land required still is impactfully very large and negatively disruptive. More important, the land for such ACF needs to be relatively flat to accommodate construction of the cultivation structures, whereas contoured land can be used for traditional crop OFF. Thus, upside scalability that would be needed in the ACF cases to provide sufficient seed feedstock to produce the annual requirement for either SAF or Renewable or Biodiesel and/or BioGas, let alone the requirement for concurrently producing 2 or all 3 of these products, is not practically achievable – Also not a viable solutions.
  • 5. What is the purpose/function of the NuSFX process/system (Solution Module II)?
    It “Homulsifies” and uniquely pre-conditions the SummitSplants seeds and remaining biomasses rapidly at scale. This optimizes, facilitates and accelerates the onward processing of the Splant oil by Solution Modules III and IV and the Splant biomasses by Module V. Importantly, NuSFX also enables processing of any qualified organic waste matter that is available and provided to the NuSFX Facility, either concurrently co-mixed with the SummitSplants biomass feedstock or separately.
  • 6. How do the Summit NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions achieve practical commercial scalability, essentially at any scale?
    · Modularity, · Interoperability, · Smart Integrations, and · Adaptive Synchronizations of the Solution processes/systems and modules.
  • 7. How do Summit’s NuSAFuel and Renewable NuDiesel & NuGas products achieve cost comparability without subsidies with the fossil equivalents, and superior cost competitiveness with the many current Green alternative SAF and Green Diesel and Biogas products?
    The capability is provided by the same factors indicated in the answer to Question #6 above, AND the ability to: · locate the Solution Operations nearly anywhere, · co-locate them at or proximate to where the Products are needed and · staff them locally/regionally, and · supply the Products directly to the Customer or through their established distribution channels,
  • 8. Were any breakthroughs required to achieve the scalability and cost comparability of the Solutions?
  • 9. Are there any examples of plants being grown in this way? at commercial scale?
    No. No.
  • 10. What are the waste streams produced by the NuFuels and NuEnergy processes/systems and facility operations? Are any hazardous?
    Typically, none. No.
  • 11. Are there any air quality (AQ) permitting requirements?
    None are expected, as the SummitSplants Feedstock production, NuSFX feedstock homulsification/conditioning and NuSAFuel, NuDiesel and NuGas processes/systems and facilities are closed, circular operations. However, AQ compliance with the established local/national Air Quality Standards may need to be validated/certified and, accordingly, perhaps some special additional controls may need to be incorporated in these operations to ensure such compliance.
  • 12. How are the Summit NuFuels and NuEnergy processes/systems and facilities powered?
    It is planned to employ Summit’s unique 45+% Efficiency NuSolar and/or NuAirPower (Wind) Solutions, The decision to do this and to what extent will be dependent on the size of the NuFuel or NuEnergy facility being implemented, as well as local environmental, permitting, geopolitical and other such factors. To the extent that the NuGas produced by the Facility is not sold or employed elsewhere, it can be used to power the Solution processes/systems and facilities and offset the requirement and associated cost for NuSolar and NuAirPower. Accordingly, in any spectrum of normal operating scenarios, use of public power is not expected to be required, though the ability to do so alternatively in a force majeure situation will be in place.
  • 13. What is the anticipated down time annually of the Summit NuFuels and NuEnergy processes/systems and facilities?
    Modularity and Redundancy design-engineered into these Solution processes/systems and facilities, along with Predictive Failure and other such tools, is expected to provide the capability for continuous operation at planned capacity, while enabling scheduled preventive servicing & maintenance, as well as operational continuity and stability upon many, if not most, force majeure events.
  • 14. Given the relatively high use of automation in the Solution processes/systems, what additional labor is required?
    Referencing, for example, the attached representative Summit Solution to produce 300 Million liters/year of Summit’s NuSAFuel, the required labor would be a total of 970 employees includes 3 shifts (24 hours) daily x 7 days/week for Facility Operations, 1 shift daily x 5 days 8AM – 6PM for Facility Office Operations, and 1 shift for weekends, holidays and other required OT activities.
  • 15. Can Summit’s NuSAFuel and NuDiesel by used neat commercially?
    Yes, they are designed to be used as single, unblended fuels. They also could be used in high and other concentration blends, as desired/specified by the Customer.
  • 16. Are the Summit NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions in sync / compliant with sustainability, climate change, bio-diversity preservation, Non-GMO and other such established environmental and related policy landscapes?
    Yes, to our knowledge. To the greatest extent possible, we monitor the field for changes in the existing policies and advent of new policies that might impact our Solutions and/or how they are deployed.
  • 17. Would Summit’s NuSAFuel meet the specification to qualify for ISCC EU and ISCC CORSIA?
    Yes, for both, as applicable. Regarding ISCC EU, since NuSAFuel does not use waste organic matter as a feedstock, technically it does not qualify for this. Similarly as regard such specifications applicable to Summit’s NuDiesel and NuGas.
  • 18. Employing any methodology, are there a conceptual LCA or Carbon Intensity Scores for the NuSAFuel, NuDiesel and/or NuGas Solutions?
    Not yet. Summit’s NuFuels and NuEnergy are produced in closed facilities with circular processes using dedicated renewable energy sources. CO2 is captured readily in large volumes from the air and re-introduced into the SummitSplants Cultivatron using Summit’s unique CO2 Sponge. The very small land footprint of the facilities for the NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions, and especially the SummitSplants Cultivatron, compared with open-field farming (“OFF”) and alternative commercial farming (ACF), minimizes disturbance of the soil and release of the stored CO2, such as happens with each planting/replanting, cultivation and harvesting of OFF crops and during construction of the ACF facilities.
  • 19. Has there been a 3rd party assessment of the techno-economics of Summit’s proprietary NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions?
    No. Essentially, we repurposed existing processes/systems that have been used extensively globally over many years/decades, and continue to be used, for other applications/purposes and did the required design-reengineering and smart integrations & synchronizations and associated techno-economic analyses internally at Summit. The many such “innovated” elements of Summit’s NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions, individually and together, differentiate and distinguish our comprehensive, practical Solutions from the: · other SAF and Renewable Diesel & Biogas processes/systems in use in the Industry that have demonstrated to be inefficient, practically unscalable and produce SAF, Renewable & BioDiesels and Biogas that will never, ever be cost-comparable with fossil equivalents without substantial subsidies, · planned massive scale solar and wind turbine installations that are potential catastrophic climate and environmental disasters that can dwarf those being created by Climate Change, and · hydrogen and other solutions that currently are, and likely will continue to be, costly, difficult /”tricky” to implement at scale and broadly, and potentially unsafe.
  • 20. What is the pathway/plan for certification of NuSAFuel under either ASTM D7566 or DEFSTAN 91-091
    Pursuant to our discussions with, and the information provided to us by, CAAFI and a USA-based authorized SAF Testing/Certification Laboratory and others, Summit is launching in May 2024 a “Manhattan Project” to formally pilot, demonstrate and validate “on a war footing” the commercial viability of the NuSAFuel™, NuDiesel and NuGas Solutions, and independently certify them (the “Project”). Given also the capabilities inherent in the Solutions to achieve practical commercial scalability at any scale indicated in the answer to Question #6, Summit expects to complete the Project within approximately 15 months Accordingly, in each case we expect to be able to finalize the optimum pathways/plans for the required formal certifications during the initial 6-9 months of the Project and implement them on a priority basis upon completion of Summit’s third-party independent certification of the fuels produced by the Solution pilots
  • 21. What is Summit’s commercial business model for its NuFuels and NuEnergy Solutions?
    Summit’s value proposition in an increasingly complex and volatile fuels/energy market and global economy is: · Practical Innovation, · Solution Standardization, · Modularity, Interoperability and Synchronization of the Solutions processes/systems & facilities, · Neutrally” Networked Global Supply Chains of products & services required to construct, startup and operate commercial Solution Operations, · Operational Agility, and · Strategic Teaming & Collaboration. These capabilities, along with the inherent elegant design-engineering of the Solutions employing repurposed elements in use in diverse applications broadly in other industries, enable: · essentially unlimited scaling to meet the exploding demands for sustainably produced and renewable Fuels & Energy that are driven by data centers/cloud computing, AI and electrification of nearly everything on an ever increasing scale globally, · rapid deployment of the Solutions at scale concurrently in multiple locations with established supply chain operations, with start of commercial operation potentially within 10-12 months employing purchased seed feedstock on an interim basis initially to jump-start operations with potentially an additional 3-6 months to establish SummitSplants production – all depending on size and location of the Facility and other factors. · reliable, uninterrupted availability of Summit’s NuFuels and NuEnergy to supply Customers, and · stabilized costs that are comparable to the fossil equivalent products and essentially immune to the volatility and other disruptive factors associated with the supply chains and costs of fossil and alternative Green fuels/energy. For specific Solution implementations, Summit plans to (1) fabricate the proprietary Solution processes/systems and structures, (2) deliver them to the Solution site, (3) erect the Solution Facilities, (4) install and commission the Solution processes/systems, (5) staff the Solution Operation and (6) start commercial operation. To the greatest extent possible, Summit will employ local/regional people & companies/organizations to perform Tasks (3)-(6) indicated above Summit’s commitment to its Customers and Partners and the Market and Planet includes ongoing development and implementation/integration of Solution improvements/upgrades to the operating processes/systems and facilities.

 Frequently Asked Questions

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